Monday, January 19, 2009


and so it all begins..
and let me tell you, I am having the time of my life. There are just soooo many cool people on this cruise, and I cannot believe we haven't even boarded the ship left! There are just no words that describe this experience. unbelievable.

(It is 6 am and i woke up still drunk and unable to sleep, so i apologize for my grammar and spelling)

So let me rewind back in time to the beginning, where it all started.....

SATURDAY - January 10th 2009
What a great day in my life. One that i will remember forever, or at least partly remember :) This was the day of my going away party, and let me tell you, it was quite the party. We started at 2pm. My beautiful mom did a Costco run and bought some lovely food. I myself did a little walmart excursion where some beer and various bottles were purchased. Anyways, some of the main crew showed up early and we started cooking up food, with some drinks, and it was such a great time. slowly as the day went on, more and more of my favorite people began to arrive. People were chilling in the Jacuzzi and the beerpong (and beerbong) was out. In the morning it rained a little bit and honestly gave me a little scare, but eventually it cleared up and it was gorgeous. As my partied grew bigger and bigger... I just sat back and really reflected on how blessed I am. Here I am about to go around the word and I am with some of the best friends I could ask for. I just cannot believe where life has taken me. My family was so grateful to let me through this at our home, and it really turned out amazing. That's another thing, what a family i have. There is so much love. My parents joined the party and mingled and were celebrating with all of my friends. I have by far the coolest parents in the world, and it really was made clear today. I love you Mom, Dad, and sis, I wish you were here to experience this with me. As the day progressed so did my intoxication, and for once in my life, blackout was obtained. After about 9 pm, it goes really blurry/black. I woke up the next morning with 3 half naked girls in my bed, and 4 holes in my wall (apparently i was headbutting shit hahahhahaha). It truly was an epic party and one of the best times I have ever had. I want to apologize to anyone i was a little touchy too, don't remember anything so please don't judge. All in all, EPIC.

THURSDAY - January 15th, 2009
This was my last night in Hawaii, and it was another for the history books. The "whore hale" was kind enough to throw me one last going away party before my departure in the morning. Note: THANK YOU GIRLS (and hunter) SOOOO MUCH :) LOVE YOU! I was a little bit scared that not too many people would show up today considering it was Thursday and there was class tomorrow. But then something happened. A "huge" storm was about to strike Hawaii and for the only time i have ever heard of before, school was canceled. It was so perfect!! God really loves himself some dylon. This party turned out almost as epic as the first. It was black and white themed, and all the friends showed up one more time to wish me goodbye, and we celebrated hard, real hard. I am truly going to miss these wonderful friends of mine. Couple highlights of the party were getting a butterfly knife pulled out, nearly getting raped (well maybe not a highlight), beerbongage, and great friends. And I was lucky enough to make some more friends tonight and it sucked I wouldn't be able to see them for a 5 months. After the party we all moved over to the after party and where some beer pongage took place. Chels and me dominate as always. In the end, I ended up at home, still drunk, and unpacked for my flight in 10 hours. Just like my Dad we save packing for the crucial times. one word, procrastination. I somehow stayed awake all night and was completely packed by morning. as I packed, I once again reflected on how amazing life is, and how much more amazing it was about to become.

On the way to the airport the next morning I was surprised with a first class ticket.. FUCK YES!! I seriously drank champagne all the way to the Bahamas. The flight attendants loved me! we talked for a good 30 minutes and I never got carded, not once. The flights up until Fort Lauder dale were awesome, and my new mac allowed me to watch movies the whole way. It was perfect!! the only problem was I couldn't sleep hahaha. waaaayyy tooo excited. The 6 hour layover in Florida was kind of shitty but nothing was going to ruin my mindset. When we finally landed in the Bahamas I couldn't believe it. This was it.

I am already missing everyone soooooo much :(

here we go.

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