Tuesday, February 24, 2009


SATURDAY - February 14, 2009

Namibiaaaaaaaaaa, fuck yaaaaaaa, we are finally here! We just went through the longest stretch of sailing and today seemed like it would never come. After breakfast, I ran down and packed my bags and headed for the gangway. Our ship was greeted by an all girls african choir, and it was an amazing way to start Namibia. I watched them sing and dance for a good 30 minutes.. some of them were really working it. It was almost like they were hyphy. I was actually quite surprised in the similarities of there dance to ours. after that, Alec and I went to our bus. It was safari time baby!!!!! We met our two guides for the trip, Lucinda and Jason. As we disembarked the port, the beauty of this country started to hit me. We drove out of Walvis (WALL-FISH) Bay and were instantly surrounded by dunes. They were just incredible... soooo beautiful!!! We arrived in Swakamund for our first stop before the long drive ahead of us. As we pulled into the town, our guides played a little prank on us about not being able to drink at all the whole way. Once we realized they were joking, I went and exchanged some money and ran into the supermarket. We grabbed several different bottles of South African whine, some champagne, local rum, and a bunch of local beers. I mean we had a 7 hour drive ahead of us so we needed to stay entertained somehow right?? We departed the main city (Swakamund) and headed north to Etosha National Park. The whole ride was like a train of 10 safari busses with everyone screaming at each other, blaring music and getting wasted. It was a complete shitshow and alooooooott of fun. It was pretty crazy how the scenery changed the farther we drove. As the time went by we went from a complete sand dune dessert to a plush green african savanna. After 9 hours of driving and stopping we reached the gate and by this time it was pouring rain. Lucinda explained that this was not a good time to go on a safari because it was rainy season and it would allot more difficult to find animals. However, I remained optimistic. I just told her, show me a lion and my safari is complete. She said she would try her best. I later realized that I was with the leader of the safari, the only girl, and the only white leader. So i had no doubt in my mind that it would happen tomorrow. We strolled into the park and parked. I was really really pouring rain now, hilo style. We all didn't bring rain gear thinking that we would be in a total dessert, boy were we wrong. It was quite intense setting up 10 tents in the rain, not too mention incapacitated. But my Alaskan instincts took over and Alec and me were the first ones done. We then helped everyone else. After we were all set up and ready to go, we sat down and had amazing meal our guides prepared for us. Best camping meal I have ever had, hands down. The night got a little intense after that. We had a huge tent party, with Alec, me and several girls. Eventually we ended up at the pool (yes this campground as a pool, it was ridiculous) popping bottles of champagne like we won a championship game. This was followed by streaking through the campground waking up all of the queers in our safari group of a 150. Fucking ridiculous how only 50 kids in our safari know how to have fun. Whatever, me made the party which eventually turned into a hugggeee shower party. After the shower Alec and me went drunken jackal hunting and found some really cool creatures along the way, and some jackals :)I think we ended up going to bed at around 4... crazy night. crazy, crazy, crazy.

SUNDAY - February 15, 2009

The painful wake up happened at six. We through some music on and continued the party. Our guides laughed at us right when they saw us, and told us that we were crazy. I think we lucked out with our guides, they are sooooo cool. Over breakfast I talked to Lucinda for quite a long time about her life in Namibia. And I was surprised to find out that she in fact African. Like fully. Her first language is Afrikan and her family roots go back several generations in Namibia. It was really quite interesting learning about her life. Because of her skin color I would never have affiliated her as African. After an amazing breakfast we started our safari through the park. It was an amazing experience! I saw lions, giraffes, zebra's, onyx, ostrich, wildebeest, gazelles and so many more animals. The only disappointment was not being able to see african elephants or rhinos, but for my first safari experience I had an amazing time overall. After a great day in the park we headed back to camp where we chilled poolside with drinks while our dinner was being made. For dinner we had enormous bbq of various african meats. It was one of the best meals I have ever eaten. just incredible, and all made on a camping stove! After stuffing our faces, we started drinking and wow. What a night. We had a huge rager on one end of the campground and all of the safari guides joined us. There were drinking games and plenty of celebration. An amazing way to end our safari experience and a night I will never forget.

MONDAY - February 16, 2009

Waking up this morning was even more painful then the previous. We were awoken at 5 and with barely two hours of sleep we were complete zombies. We packed up camp, ate a quick breakfast and loaded up the bus. This time around there was no crazy parties on the way back to Walvis bay, instead everyone passed out and I nearly slept the entire way back. We got back to Swakamund a little early and I convinced my bus to do something I had been craving to do the entire time in Namibia. Sand dune quad-biking!! We quickly went to the quad place and jumped on some quads. Alec and I grabbed some manuals and the 6 girls we were with, jumped on semi's and auto's. After following the group in a line for a while, Alec and I went off the main path with our newly acquired friend. It was one of the best experiences of my life and easily one of the highlights of the trip. I have been quading before, but it is just not the same on these world class dunes that stretch for miles upon miles. The sand is carved into extensive hills that roll and peak under the most beautiful blue sky. It was too much fun ripping the sand apart as I rollercoastered from the top to bottom of these huge dunes. Namibia is one the most beautiful places I have ever been in the world next to Bali, Hawaii and Alaska. The difference in environments from one end of the country to the other is just incredible. After getting my wheelies and airs in, we headed back to base-camp, then back to the ship. Namibia was just amazing. I never expected so much from a country I knew so little about. I really hope I will have an opportunity to return someday. I love Namibia, Africa.


TUESDAY - February 3rd, 2009



WEDNESDAY - February 4th, 2009

THURSDAY - February 5th, 2009


WEDNESDAY - January 28th, 2009

HOLA ESPANIA!!!! I am awaken at 8 o clock with the announcement of our arrival. I run outside and am greeted by the beautiful southern Spanish coastline. Finally we have hit land! Its been over a week of sailing! I meet up with the group I will be traveling Spain with and we walk down the gangway. That first step on the ground was indescribable. I couldn't believe it! I am finally in Europe for the first time. The port city we have been docked in is called Cadiz. It is the oldest city in Spain and where I will be spending my first day and night in Spain. The first thing we do is walk straight towards the center of town. We stop at the first cafe we see. I order a "cafe con leche" (latte) and a breakfast sandwich with eggs, steak, sausage and peppers. That coffee was one of the best coffees I have ever had in my entire life, simply amazing. The sandwich was equally as good. After one of the best breakfast's of my life, the crew gathers and we continue in the direction of the center. We stop on the way at an ATM and take out some Euros. Cadiz is so cool. The old and unique alleyways are everywhere you look and I the structure of the buildings is incredible. I am falling in love with this small town already.. We wander for several more hours, stumbling on an incredible park with extensive trimmed hedges, and then too an amazing castle over looking a beautiful beach with several water breached boats scattered across the reef. The castle was quite amazing, constructed in early 1500's, it is one the oldest places i been in my life. This castle is one of several in Cadiz, as I found that Cadiz was a very strategic port for spain in earlier centuries. After wandering the outskirts of the city for several hours we all agreed it was time for a real meal, Espaniol Styleee brahhh. We stumbled across this restaurant that of course wasn't serving lunch yet because in Spain they eat at very different times then in America. Lunch is supposed to be eaten at 3-5 but we were an hour or so too early. This didn't bother the owner as he quickly opened up his doors and started up the kitchen for us. The only girl in the group that spoke decent spanish was Jane who tried to communicate and order us a feast. The first and most important word I learned was Cervases (beer). The feast jane ordered was indeed a feast. An array of fried seafood. Some of the best fried fish and calamari I have ever tried. We also order octopus (pulpos) and wow that was some damn good tako yo. After the mass amounts of food and beer, we were all stuffed and very happy. Spain was incredible! It was growing more and more on me by the minute. Everyone in Cadiz is sooo nice! After we finished eating we kept on exploring only to stumble on the highlight and the main thing I wanted to see while in Cadiz. The New Cathedral of Cadiz which dates back to the early 1700's. The cathedral was really something else, just amazing architecture. It pillars towered into the sky overlooking the city below. We decided to stop at a local bar just out side the cathedral to have a celebration shot before exploring further. In the bar we met a bunch of Spanish guys that spoke "some" english. It was awesome, they started buying us shots of the local spanish liquor and we did the same.


THURSDAY - January 29th, 2009

FRIDAY - January 30th, 2009

SATURDAY - January 31st, 2009


I sit here after a week of sailing, and it has been one of the best experiences of my life. I am learning so much about myself.. I have met and made so many friends I really dont know where to begin. People from all sides of the country, all over the world. While I still miss everyone back at home, I cant help but be dsadasdada over the moment. We are now only one day from our first stop, Cadiz, Spain. The whole ship is filled with excitement as we all anticipate our arrival. I have planned my time in spain extensively. I dont want to spoil it for the blog readers so you will have to wait until I debark Spain and write my next entry. One thing I will say is..... Barcelona!!! Football (soccer) Spanish Cup!!!!! OMG i am soooooo excited it is ridiculous. I really dont know how life gets any better. Ship life has been awesome!!! The schedule of classes are split into 2 days, A and B days, and I somehow managed to land all of my classes on B days. I love my classes too!! One honorable mention is my techno class called technosonics, and the teacher is a legimate genius. I am so intrested in making music and I never knew how fun it could be. I have already been overachieving in the class creating my own beats, and I plan on coming out with a couple of very dance induced tracks for the 808, cheeeeeeeeee!!! Anyways back to ship life.... I have been working out daily and staying in shape as much as possible.... I honestly think I am in the best pyhsical condition i have ever been in my entire life. The facilities are really nice but lifting weights with the rock of the ship proves difficult. Great for the core though hahaha! My buddy Eric and I are the only ones in the whole ship to sign up for the steam/sauna, and it is finggg amazinggg! Nothing beats a nice steam everyday! The food is great aswell! and they clean our rooms and do our laundry for us! It is like I am on vacation all the time! The crew and staff are very instresting and creative people with diverse backrounds. After the day and dinner go by, we enter our daily "pub nights". Every night has been a blast on the ship! It is so much fun having a beer (we are on a 4 limit) and meeting/interacting with my fellow shipmates.... and omg the best part of the boat is the.... GIRLS. dammnnnnn they were not kidding on the ratio. There is 158 guys and 637 girls. Not too mention that half of these guys have no game whatsoever. It just is.... unfair. Thats the farthest I will go into that subject... Anyways, I really am living the dream. Life is so good. I am blessed and I cannot thank my parents enough for this opportunity. I love you guys! Miss you Dad, Mom and Juls!! Spain in less then 20 hours! GO BIG OR GO HOME! WORLD..... HOLD ON!

Monday, January 19, 2009


SATURDAY - January 17th, 2009

Right when I get off the plane, I am greeted with a live band in the customs processing gate. I have traveled all around the world but never have I had a live band to jam out to as I enter, It was seriously too good to be true. I get outside the gate and grab a cab. Right away I quickly realize how expensive this country was going to be. I was hit instantly with the 40 dollar cab ride to the Atlantis. As we make our way to the hotel, I realize how beautiful it is here, I mean not Hawaii but close. There is definitely a huge gap in the social classes and some poverty going on here but overall not too dirty. We make our way over the bridge and I catch a glimpse of the GIGANTIC hotel Atlantis. It took them 15 years to build this place and it lives on an island of its own. I checked in and headed up to the room. I was greeted by my new roommate Bubber. I quickly gave him the nickname of Bubz. Right away we connected, and it was easy to see this was going to be one of my main boys this trip. We took a stole around the ginormous hotel and it really hit how big this place is. They have the largest outdoor aquarium in the world, in the mother fucking world. It is so crazy, there were sharks everywhere. I was just so stoked! we then instantly hit the bar up for a beer to sip on while we adventured around. 3 beers 23 dollars. OMG everything here is twice as expensive here it is crazy! We eventually went back to the room and tried to catch up on some sleep, but we both realized that wasn't happening really quick. I was running on 4-5 hours of rest within the last 3 days. I was just too excited to miss a moment. With no sleep in sight we headed down to downtown Nassau. We hoped in cab and asked the driver to take us to some local food, non tourist. In a matter of 10 minutes we ended up at a tourist buffet. I think the driver was on crack, we couldn't understand a single word that he was saying it was ridic. We were not willing to pay 20 bucks for the buffet so we ventured through downtown. We came across a small bar with burgers, pizzas and whatnot. They were playing the local jams and the Bahamians were showing us a little dance. We pounded a couple vodka redbulls and ate a burger. Within 15 minutes combined with several shots and no sleep, we were quickly feeling the buzz. Eventually we grabbed a couple bottles of local rum and headed back to the hotel for some pre-game action. We gathered some SAS kids from the lobby when we got back, and they told their friends, and then they told their friends, and so on.. eventually we had a full party in the room. It was sooooo much fun meeting all of these new people, it was like freshman year all over again. I was meeting so many fascinating people from places all of the country.....It was crazy that I managed to throw a rager in my hotel room the first night, I quickly earned the reputation of the party planner. We were all feeling pretty good when my third roommate walked in. Alec. We had been talking on facebook quite a bit and he seemed real legit. and.. he was!!! he serious took the shot as he walked into the door! The three roomates were connected at last and it was too good to be true. We quickly became the "TriPod".... After we finished our bottle from duty free, we headed down to the club everyone was meeting at, "senior frogs". Not going to go into this much further as I dont remember all of the details... ;) .... but it was one the best nights of my life and a perfect way to start off the night! I ended up having to carry bubz out of the club and to the room. It was epic.

SUNDAY - January 18th, 2009

I woke up a little early this morning, the excitement was still rushing through me. Alec woke up with me and we both tried to wake up bubz but there was no way. He was after all covered in a pool of his own puke hahahhaha. If this is only the first night, I cant even begin to imagine what will come next. Alec and me went downstairs and exited the hotel to find some more reasonably priced food. We ended up a deli where we later found out was owned by the atlantis as well. It is crazy the monopoly they are running in the bahamas. We got one egg, a banana and an orange for 14 bucks. fucking ridiculous to say the least... After that we went back upstairs and smack bubz in the face several times until he reclaimed consciousness. After we were all awake and ready we began our journey around the gynormous world of Atlantis. The day was filled with water slides and relaxation on no-so lazy river (it was the most intense lazy river ever, no lazy at all). After a good 4-5 hours of water fun we started to fill hungry again. This time we weren't settling for anything but non-atlantis food, so we wandered on a 15 minute walk to the local Quiznos subs. I told myself I wouldn't be eating any american food but with these bahamian prices it was completely necessary. Although it was still overpriced it wasn't anything compared to the prices I have been paying recently. After munching down on a sub, all three of us passed out and set our alarm for the SAS group pre-club meeting in the lobby. We ended up waking up a little latter then we wanted too but everything worked out according to plan again.. and we ended up with another room party. I met some very cool girls tonight, and we once again ended up going to senior frogs. When I arrived at senior frogs it was a complete shit show. It was completely loaded with SAS kids and people were going crazy, jumping up on stage, spilling drinks over each other. all in all it was a very good night. Towards the end a couple of my newly acquired friends and several girls went and ate some local Bahamian food to end off the night. It was fried "Conc", other various fish and some calamari type things. I was verrrrrrrryyyyy delicious but just loaded with grease. I felt like i gained 10 pounds after and clogged up my arteries to a near death level. once again, epic night.

MONDAY - January 19th, 2009

I ended up waking up super early this morning (5 am) even though i fell asleep only a couple hours before. The jet-lag was really taking its toll on my body, but I wasn't about to allow it to prevent me from doing anything. This was because today was a special day, a life changing day, the day I begin my quest around the world. I chugged a couple glasses of water and headed down to the atlantis. I walked around for a couple hours, revisiting the several extensive aquariums and taking my fair share of pictures. It was very interesting to see how the staff maintains this huge premises. I found that all of the landscaping and maintenance takes place in the early hours. I ended up having quite an extensive talk with some local Bahamians. They told me all about life in the bahamas. I was curious about how they work each day while all of these white people have the time of their lives right in front of them. They had one simple answer. Irie. :) After relaxing by the pool with my newly acquired friends (they said they are coming to Hawaii soon to visit), I headed back up to the room to wake up the rest of the "tripod". We had to report to the ship in 3 hours so we quickly packed and checked out of the hotel. I was slammed with a huge 80 dollar bill even though I only bought one beer. They slammed me with all sorts of bullshit fees such as "bell mans fee" (even though i carried my own bags) and others like a "hotel tax fee"... preposterous. When we arrived at the ship, the excitement just filled my whole body. I saw my home/school for the next 4 months of my life. The line was quite long but it offered a great opportunity to meet more fellow SASers. It took about 2 hours but when finally on board it really hit me. It was happening, it really was happening. The anticipation was finally settling... I went to my room hoping to find my new roommate.. but he wasn't there quite yet so i set down my bags and wandered the ship for 30 minutes or so.. and then I heard the call for the movement of the ship. I quickly ran up to the top where it was a sight I will never forget. Even though my parents weren't at the bottom it was pretty incredible to witness such an array of parents wishing their sons and daughters off. As the ship moved, I felt an amazing feeling of relief. I made it to the Bahamas, I made it on the ship, I made it. I sat out there for a an hour or so until no land was in sight. I went down to my room and met my roommate Spencer. He is from Colorado, and I can tell that we will become close in the upcoming weeks. He is definitely chill and I am glad I lucked out and didn't get some....fag... We both went up to the union for the introduction lectures. The rocking of the ship was getting stronger and stronger by the minute so i threw on a patch.. I never really thought about the rocking of the ship as being a big deal before but it definitely rocks very hard. Every student was walking around like they were drunk and I even saw a couple poor kids puke :( The introduction meeting was very hard to sit through. The rocking of the ship just puts you to sleep. Its magic. It is definitely going to take some getting used too. After the meeting we all headed up to our first pub night. The whole ship-life experience was so fascinating. Each one of us grabbed our 4 allowed beers and it turned out to be a greaaaat night. I seriously have met like 300-400 people in the last 3 days, and their is no way in hell I will be able to remember even close to half of them. I eventually wandered back to my room, I lied in my new cozy bed, pumped the A/C on high and passed out. Goodbye Bahamas and hello world.


and so it all begins..
and let me tell you, I am having the time of my life. There are just soooo many cool people on this cruise, and I cannot believe we haven't even boarded the ship left! There are just no words that describe this experience. unbelievable.

(It is 6 am and i woke up still drunk and unable to sleep, so i apologize for my grammar and spelling)

So let me rewind back in time to the beginning, where it all started.....

SATURDAY - January 10th 2009
What a great day in my life. One that i will remember forever, or at least partly remember :) This was the day of my going away party, and let me tell you, it was quite the party. We started at 2pm. My beautiful mom did a Costco run and bought some lovely food. I myself did a little walmart excursion where some beer and various bottles were purchased. Anyways, some of the main crew showed up early and we started cooking up food, with some drinks, and it was such a great time. slowly as the day went on, more and more of my favorite people began to arrive. People were chilling in the Jacuzzi and the beerpong (and beerbong) was out. In the morning it rained a little bit and honestly gave me a little scare, but eventually it cleared up and it was gorgeous. As my partied grew bigger and bigger... I just sat back and really reflected on how blessed I am. Here I am about to go around the word and I am with some of the best friends I could ask for. I just cannot believe where life has taken me. My family was so grateful to let me through this at our home, and it really turned out amazing. That's another thing, what a family i have. There is so much love. My parents joined the party and mingled and were celebrating with all of my friends. I have by far the coolest parents in the world, and it really was made clear today. I love you Mom, Dad, and sis, I wish you were here to experience this with me. As the day progressed so did my intoxication, and for once in my life, blackout was obtained. After about 9 pm, it goes really blurry/black. I woke up the next morning with 3 half naked girls in my bed, and 4 holes in my wall (apparently i was headbutting shit hahahhahaha). It truly was an epic party and one of the best times I have ever had. I want to apologize to anyone i was a little touchy too, don't remember anything so please don't judge. All in all, EPIC.

THURSDAY - January 15th, 2009
This was my last night in Hawaii, and it was another for the history books. The "whore hale" was kind enough to throw me one last going away party before my departure in the morning. Note: THANK YOU GIRLS (and hunter) SOOOO MUCH :) LOVE YOU! I was a little bit scared that not too many people would show up today considering it was Thursday and there was class tomorrow. But then something happened. A "huge" storm was about to strike Hawaii and for the only time i have ever heard of before, school was canceled. It was so perfect!! God really loves himself some dylon. This party turned out almost as epic as the first. It was black and white themed, and all the friends showed up one more time to wish me goodbye, and we celebrated hard, real hard. I am truly going to miss these wonderful friends of mine. Couple highlights of the party were getting a butterfly knife pulled out, nearly getting raped (well maybe not a highlight), beerbongage, and great friends. And I was lucky enough to make some more friends tonight and it sucked I wouldn't be able to see them for a 5 months. After the party we all moved over to the after party and where some beer pongage took place. Chels and me dominate as always. In the end, I ended up at home, still drunk, and unpacked for my flight in 10 hours. Just like my Dad we save packing for the crucial times. one word, procrastination. I somehow stayed awake all night and was completely packed by morning. as I packed, I once again reflected on how amazing life is, and how much more amazing it was about to become.

On the way to the airport the next morning I was surprised with a first class ticket.. FUCK YES!! I seriously drank champagne all the way to the Bahamas. The flight attendants loved me! we talked for a good 30 minutes and I never got carded, not once. The flights up until Fort Lauder dale were awesome, and my new mac allowed me to watch movies the whole way. It was perfect!! the only problem was I couldn't sleep hahaha. waaaayyy tooo excited. The 6 hour layover in Florida was kind of shitty but nothing was going to ruin my mindset. When we finally landed in the Bahamas I couldn't believe it. This was it.

I am already missing everyone soooooo much :(

here we go.

Monday, January 12, 2009

My First Blog

wooooooowww, only 4 more days till i depart the islands in route for the Bahamas. There are so many emotions flowing through me, I just cant believe what I am about to experience. I am really sad to leave my family and all of my wonderful friends, but at the same time I am filled with so much anticipation and excitment, I just dont know what to do! With all my travels, I felt it would only be plausible to make a blog of my travels. I hope all of you can follow me on my path around the world!

My beautiful internerary includes
Bahamas 01/17 - 01/19

Spain 01/28 - 01/31

Morocco 02/02 - 02/05

Namibia 02/14 - 02/16

South Africa 02/18 - 02/22

Mauritius 02/27 - 02/27

India 03/05 -03/09

Thailand 03/15 - 03/19

Vietnam 03/22 - 03/26

China 03/29 - 04/03

Japan 04/06 - 04/10

Hawaii 04/19 - 04/20

Guatemala 04/28 - 04/30

Florida 05/05

Here is a map